If you’re thinking about investing in property to improve your financial future, have you fully considered the possibility of buying land overseas? Even as some European companies are downgraded by Fitch and Moody’s, Indonesia’s economy is on the upswing, and investing in Lombok land in this Asian nation can be a sound investment.
Lombok land for sale is on a resort island that is located near the island of Bali, and the similarly tourism focused island of Sumawa. Lombok property is currently offering impressive returns on investment , thanks largely to the significant development funds being put into this area by large companies, and by the Indonesian government.
So what are the draws of Lombok land and Sumbawa land as investment properties? Lombok land up for sale is generally flat and well suited for building, is located near the picturesque Selong Belanak beach area, and is as yet uncluttered by major commercial developments. Prices are still relatively low, too, making it even more attractive to investors. This area was visited by 620,000 tourists in 2009 alone and is only likely to grow more popular.
Lombok land is located on an island a little over 4,700 square miles in area, with a population a little over 3 million people according to 2010 census readings. The population is primarily Sasak ethnic people, with a minority of Balinese as well. The primary religion of this region is Islam, with a minority of Buddhists and Hindus as well. Its primary industries are fishing, tourism, agriculture (including seaweed farming) and some mining.
If you’re looking for an exciting opportunity to invest in growth oriented property in an “exotic” locale, consider putting some of your money in Lombok land in Indonesia, and you may be opening the door to a fantastic return on investment. If tourism and commercial development grows further in this area, you may be able to use this Lombok land for your own entrepreneurial projects, or to resell it to a developer at fantastic rates.