Tips Every Certified Scuba Diver Should Know For A Safe Dive


In the United States, and around the world, scuba divingis prevalent. Millions of individuals become certified scuba divers every day. Some individuals earn their certification so they can dive while on vacation. Others earn their certification for travel and work. There are various reasons to become a certified scuba diver. So, what information do you need to know once you’ve finished your scuba diving lessons, and you’re certified? Here are important tips and information that every certified scuba diver should know for a safe dive.

Firstly, diving safely is a main concern for all divers. There are many factors that affect or change the human body while diving. A snorkeling mask can alter the vision of the diver once he or she is underwater. Scuba masks change the size of objects the diver views. Additionally, once the diver passes 10 meters, he or she cannot see certain colors (mainly red and yellow). Aside from alterations in vision, caused by snorkeling equipment and depth, thermal changes can also affect the human body. However, the factor that affects or changes the human body the most, and can be dangerous, is ascent. Once the diver has completed his or her dive, it is time to make his or her way up to the surface. If a diver ascents too quickly, he or she can experience decompression sickness. What is decompression sickness? Well, when diving, a scuba diver’s body produces gas bubbles. Decompression sickness is the symptoms a diver experiences, because of the gas bubbles produced in various parts of the body. A diver can experience joint pain, dizziness, nausea, and countless other symptoms; all making him or her ill. Here are tips to avoid decompression sickness and ensure you dive safely:

Stay hydrated! Just like snorkeling equipment and depth can affect vision, a dive affects blood flow. During a dive, blood flow can be compromised. The blood can thicken, flow slowly, and lead to DCS. Stay hydrated and you can prevent decompression sickness!

So your snorkeling equipment is on and you’re ready to jump in the water. Before you do, try pre-breathing oxygen. Oxygen pre-breathing reduces blood flow activity that contributes to DCS. Pre-breathe oxygen and you can decrease your chances of decompression sickness!

Before you step on a beach and put on your snorkeling equipment, try exposing yourself to heat! Heat helps decrease the blood flow activity that can cause DCS, because it produces heat-shock proteins. With the help of heat you can prevent decompression sickness!

Exercise! Studies show that cardiovascular exercise, like jogging, reduces gas bubble production. Therefore, exercising before a dive can reduce the chance of decompression sickness! If you decide to exercise before a dive, do so 24 hours beforehand.

Happy diving!

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