This is the perfect time of the year for a ride in a horse carriage, and the fact that your neighbors gave you a holiday gift certificate for one of the horse carriage tours in town means that you will be able to take advantage of the long holiday weekend. As more and more families are struggling to pay off holiday credit card bills from over spending on gifts, you are thankful that your neighbor was thoughtful enough to think of a gift that will provide a memorable experience, as well as boost the economy. You and your husband watch their home whenever they are away for vacation, so the neighbor always gives you some kind of thank you.
This gift of a ride in a horse carriage on a winter weekend is the best thank you gift yet, and you are more than grateful for a quiet time for you and your spouse after a hectic weekend of guests and company.
Tourism Remains a Big Factor in the Economy of Many Locations Across the Country
As more and more families look for ways to spend time together it should come as no surprise that gifts of experiences are becoming more and more common. From a weekend at the beach when the weather warms to a once in a lifetime trip overseas, an increasing number of families are looking at vacations as a better gift for their children than more clothes, more technology, and more presents that are only used once or twice and then forgotten.
Some of the latest research indicates that more than any other activity, vacationing together is now a favorite activity for many families. In fact, as many as 37% of families say that vacations make them happy. And in a time of stress in the world of politics and busyness in our everyday lives, the chance to travel and relax together becomes even more inviting.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the travel and tourism industry and the impact that trips have on individuals and families, as well as the nation’s economy:
- 42% of travelers indicate that they feel more romantic when they are on vacation.
- 2.7% of America?s gross domestic product is attributed to tourism and travel.
- One out of nine jobs in America depend on travel and tourism.
Whether you are interested in a ride in a horse carriage or you are looking for a long weekend away at a beach house, more and more families are realizing that their money is better spent on experiences not gifts that will soon be forgotten.